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SOME -song 020213

SOME Some come knocking on the door, demanding at morning Glow Some come knocking on the roof at noon, asking for more Push Some just pass by asking for me to show a little bit more Just more, just more and more… And all I ever wanted was just a friend nearby To keep me company day and night, to share A little bit more glow Push Or joy Some come knocking on the door, demanding at dawn More flush Some come knocking on the roof at noon, asking for more Thrust Some just pass by asking for me to show a little bit more Just more, just more and more… But I can’t take it anymore, because I have given all I’ve got, and enough Is enough and you can’t take much more From here, from me… And all I ever wanted was just a friend nearby To keep me company day and night, to share A little bit more flow Shove Or delight But I can’t take it anymore, because I have given all I’ve got, and enough Is enough and you won’t take much more From here, from me…
© Rafael Angel Valladares Ríos 2013


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